
Blog ALL The Things

(If you don't know what the title of this post refers to, read this, and then her whole blog. Actually, read my post first, because nothing can possibly compare to Hyperbole and a Half. I'll post another link at the bottom instead.)

My time away from the bog has been really productive. I went to Surtex in mid May and I've been thinking about my work since then. While I would love to illustrate picture books and text books, I think my work lends itself naturally to a younger audience than I've been aiming for. (I should say: a younger audience and their parents.) I've been admiring board books (like the Little Pea/Hoot/Oink set I have) and counting and alphabet books, and wondering how I could reshape my portfolio to showcase that kind of work. I've also been working on various client projects, so until a week ago, I'd only had time to ponder, rather than paint.

Luckily, a deadline came along! In five days I banged out these twelve little paintings (about 4" by 6") for a craft sale I was in this weekend. The sale was pretty subdued, but I'm really happy with the work, and I think that they're going to lead me somewhere interesting.

Enough text! Pictures!

Beach Urchin

Narwhal and Friend

Manta Ray Bans (I am soo proud of that one!)

K is for Koala (and Kite)

W is for Wombat (and Wig)

The Party

Bathtime (Sold!)

First Position

Angora Knits Alpaca

Hula Hoopoe (Sold!)

Stripe (Sold!)


Now, as promised, look at this blog and be filled with wonder and giggling.